Hello! Yassou! Wominjeka!

My name is Zoë Kalenderidis, I’m a musician and Registered Music Therapist (RMT). Kaleidoscope Music Therapy is all about creative expression, connection, pride, witnessing and celebrating all parts of ourselves.

Please note: Zoë will be taking parental leave from July – December 2023!

Video description: In this captioned video, Zoë introduces herself and talks about what music means to her, and how it can support our well-being.

Registered Music Therapists have a diverse and adaptive musical skill set, tertiary qualifications in music therapy and are registered with the Australian Music Therapy Association.

Kaleidoscope Music Therapy is currently offering a mobile service in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, for individuals; children aged seven and above and adults. Group sessions coming soon!

Music is awesome, because it can…

…support and enhance our mental well-being

…provide emotional support and regulation

…help us explore our identities, our life stories and build pride

…grow our confidence and build musical skills

Two ukuleles and a mandolin with a carpeted background