
Zoë is smiling at the camera. She has strawberry blonde, wavy hair and is wearing a stripy top and sparkly earrings.

I am a vocalist, guitarist and Registered Music Therapist (RMT) with a love for jazz and soul music. I also play ukulele, mandolin and piano. I play guitar in an all-disabled band: Bearbrass Asylum orchestra.

As an RMT, I aim to promote wellbeing and access to music for all people. I am passionate about music-based explorations which uncover new knowledge, share stories and build community. This has seen me facilitate community programs which include:

  • Songwriting
  • Improvisation
  • Recording sessions
  • Singing groups
  • Guitar, voice and ukulele adapted lessons

I work from a disability and neurodivergent pride and affirming approach, because our radical and authentic selves should be celebrated!

My approach and experience:

  • Disability/Neurodivergent affirming
  • People with high support needs
  • People who use communication aids or styles
  • People who are non-speaking or semi-speaking
  • People who have experienced trauma


What Young People Think About Music, Rhythm and Trauma: An Action Research Study

McFerran, K., Crooke, A., Kalenderidis, Z., Stoke, H., & Teggelove, K. 2022, Frontiers in Psychology Journal, 13

Lived Experience Perspectives on Ableism Within and Beyond Music Therapists’ Professional Identities

Shaw, C., Churchill, V., Curtain, S., Davies, A., Davis, B., Kalenderidis, Z., Langlois Hunt, E., McKenzie, B., Murray, M., Thompson, G., 2022, Music Therapy Perspectives, Volume 40, Pages 143–151,